Ian Swift (AKA Swifty), features in a collaboration with GF Smith and Creative Lancashire for a commissioned series of new Letraset-based works, which will be premiered at National Festival of Making.
A series of typographical and icon based works using ‘Letraset’ as a medium.
Letraset and dry transfer type revolutionised the graphic design industry in the 60s and 70s making good quality type affordable to the masses. But by the mid-nineties with the advent of the Apple Macintosh computer and desktop published its use diminished and finally stopped production. Swifty has been collecting dry transfer sheets from Letraset and other makers for about twenty years and puts it to good use here with a vibrant selection of new works printed on G.F. Smith papers
Swifty will also present a FREE drop-in Letraset Badge Making Workshop: (12-2pm, 12 May).
This exhibition is presented by Creative Lancashire in association with GF Smith & Atlantic Contemporary Art